Space design with potted plants

Whether small or large, an indoor garden is the perfect way to create a slice of botanical bliss that doesn’t clash with other types of home decor. Fun planters, sculptural elements and even herbs can bring an indoor garden to life and function as a...

Ceramic manufacturing process

Manufacturing Advanced Ceramics The process steps in the manufacturing of advanced ceramics such as silicon nitride and sialon, alumina, zirconia and sintered silicon carbide are summarised in the flow diagram below: Raw Material Processes Forming Processes Sintering Diamond Grinding (optional) Inspection Each of these stages...

What is a ceramic plant pot?

Ceramic Fanatics At a glance, you may think a ceramic pot is simply a terracotta pot with a good paint job. However, ceramic pots are typically glazed with a coat of lacquer that prevents the soil from drying out at the same speed as it...

Experience choosing bonsai pots

Unlike rural areas, crowded urban areas have limited land area, but the need to plant trees for interior and exterior decoration is growing. Choosing the right type of pot both brings harmony to the space and helps the plant grow well. Knowing that, today we...