Experience choosing bonsai pots

Unlike rural areas, crowded urban areas have limited land area, but the need to plant trees for interior and exterior decoration is growing. Choosing the right type of pot both brings harmony to the space and helps the plant grow well. Knowing that, today we will share the experience of choosing bonsai pots and suggest suitable ornamental plants for tall pots.

Experience in choosing bonsai pots

Bonsai has many types of herbaceous, soft-bodied, woody … with many colors and sizes. Each type of plant also has different growth capacity and nutrient (soil) requirements. When the plants are young or in the nursery/seedling stage, a small pot may be suitable, but after a while, when the plants get larger and have a steady growth rate, a pot of the right size will help. Becomes absolutely necessary.

Potted bonsai

Basic guidelines on how to pick a pot

A large part of practicing Bonsai is how to be able to spot the right pot. Some go by their gut feeling. But that may be difficult for a beginner… So here are some basic rules and guidance for you to stick on to. Good luck and have fun in the pursuit of your tree´s future home.